Pulse Act helps to potentiate inner wisdom

境隨心轉 意由心生 脈循心動 智融心通

企業培訓 Corporate Training

工作動力及生產力提升、情緒及壓力管理、工作及身心平衡、銷售技巧、團隊建設 Motivation & productivity enhancement, emotion & stress management, work-life balance, selling skills, team building

公開課程 Workshops & Courses

九型性格、催眠、身心語言程式、情性教育、心理輔導、個人成長、人際相處 Enneagram, hypnosis, NLP, sex education, psychological counselling, personal growth, interpersonal relationship

臨床督導 Clinical Supervision

社會工作、心理輔導、催眠治療、情性治療 Social work, psychological counselling, hypnotherapy, sex therapy

心理輔導 / 催眠治療 / 情性治療 Psychological Counselling / Hypnotherapy / Sex Therapy

改善失眠、負面情緒、心理創傷及行為習慣;提升自信、動力及專注力;促進伴侶溝通及兩性親密。 To manage insomnia, negative emotions, psychological traumas & bad habits; To improve self-confidence, motivation & concentration; To enhance couple communication & intimacy.
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